We are pleased to invite you to join the upcoming EMN webinar 'Access to housing and education for children in migration: challenges and good practices' on Wednesday 10 March at 10.00 (CET).
Invitation webinar: 'Access to housing and education for children in migration: challenges and good practices'
The event will serve to launch the EMN report on children in migration which focuses on the implementation of the 2017 Commission Communication on the protection of children in migration in Member States and Norway from 1 January up to 31 December 2019. The event will be recorded and livestreamed on YouTube.
10.00 – 10.05
Opening remarks – Rafael Bärlund, EMN Finland
10.05 – 10.15
Vision on protecting the rights of children in the new Pact on Migration and Asylum – Javier Moreno Sanchez, European Parliament Intergroup on Child Rights
10.15 – 10.30
Presentation of key findings of EMN Report – Adolfo Sommarribas, EMN Luxembourg
10.30 – 10.40
Q&A session
10.40 – 11.05
Panel discussion I: Access to housing
- Monica Gutierrez Arques, EU Fundamental Rights Agency
- Laetitia Van der Vennet, PICUM
- Evridiki Georgiou, 'Hope for Children' CRC Policy Center, Cyprus
- Blandine Chatelet, Ministry of Solidarity and Health, France
Moderator: Isabela Atanasiu, DG HOME, European Commission
11.05 – 11.20
Q&A session
11.20 – 11.30 Break
11.30 – 11.55
Panel discussion II: Access to education
- Vincente López-Brea, Ministry of Education, Spain
- Kerstin Holst, UNESCO
- Jennifer Zuppiroli, Save the Children
- Gelly Aroni, Ministry of Migration and Asylum, Greece
Moderator: Vincent Catot, Policy Officer, DG HOME, European Commission
11.55 – 12.10
Q&A session
12.10 – 12.25
Presentation on the upcoming EU strategy on the rights of the child - Valeria Setti, DG HOME, European Commission
12.25 – 12.30
Q&A session
12.30 – 12.35
Closing remarks – Magnus Ovilius, DG HOME, European Commission
Registration and information
- Please register via this link. The webinar will be carried out via Webex and can be accessed directly through your browser, following the link received. Please join the webinar 5-10 minutes ahead of schedule to allow for technical support if needed.
- Practical information, the most important technical details related to WebEx
- Concept note with background information